Sunday, November 28, 2010

Marquez Outduels Katsidis!

Rounds 1 and 2 were simply a showcase of pinpoint accuracy that Marquez had to offer. Imposing his will on Katisidis every step of the way and engaging in brutal combination battles with him. Yet in the third round all seemed to even out when Katisids landed a dynamite punch of his own.. a left hook to the chin of marquez (now becoming his obvious achillies heel) which brought him down to the canvas. After the follwed 8 count, Katisids smelled redemption and began engaging in even stronger more brutal exchanges with the WBO, WBC champ. However, as the old story goes, beware of the patience of a patient man, Marquez only seemed to grow and become more wreckless after that knock out, nearly evening the round. The rest of the fight was like that a scripted movie, yet far more intriguing, far more more exciting, and far more jaw dropping. Katisidis battled with as a big a heart as you've ever seen him, but Marquez battled with as big a purpose as ever; wanting that elusive third fight with Manny Paquiao. Throwing left hook after right hook, left uppercut after right uppercut, jab after jab, Marquez did it all. When the 9th round came and after Marquez began disinigrating Katsidis with obvious command and power punching, Kenny Bahlies stepped in and called a halt to the bout. An exciting display of heart, pride and willingness, this fight has to be fight of the year without doubt; like i called it to be. Marquez remains my favorite fighter of all time of my generation.









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